Tips on sewage treatment - Ten steps to sewage treatment

1. Coarse and fine screens

Coarse and fine screens are a process in the pretreatment area. Their function is to remove and intercept debris with a diameter greater than 5mm in sewage to ensure the normal operation of the sewage lifting system.



2. Aerated grit chamber

The main function is to remove inorganic sand and some grease in sewage, protect subsequent water treatment equipment, prevent pipe clogging and equipment damage, and reduce sand in sludge.

3. Primary sedimentation tank

The suspended solids in the sewage that are easier to settle are precipitated and discharged into the sludge treatment area in the form of sludge to reduce the pollutant load in the water.

4. Biological pool

The microorganisms in the activated sludge that grows in large quantities in the biological pool are used to degrade organic pollutants in the water, remove nitrogen and phosphorus, so as to achieve the purpose of purifying water quality.

5. Secondary sedimentation tank

The mixed liquid after biochemical treatment is separated into solid and liquid to ensure the water quality of the effluent.

6. High-efficiency sedimentation tank

Through mixing, flocculation and sedimentation, total phosphorus and suspended solids in the water are further removed.

7. Sludge dewatering room

Effectively reduce the water content of sludge and greatly reduce the volume of sludge.

8. Deep bed filter

A treatment structure that integrates filtration and biological denitrification functions. It can simultaneously remove the three water quality indicators of TN, SS and TP, and its operation is reliable, which makes up for the regret of the single technical function of other filter tanks.

9. Ozone contact tank

The main function of ozone addition is to degrade the difficult-to-degrade COD and chromaticity in the water to meet the requirements of the effluent water quality standards.

10. Disinfection

Ensure that the effluent coliform group and other stable standards are met.

Treated water that meets the "Pollutant Discharge Standards for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (DB12599-2015) can be discharged into the river!