The first "zero-carbon" concept sewage treatment plant in China was built. The first million-ton sewage treatment plant in Henan was completed.

On December 28, 2023, the second phase of the Zhengzhou New District Sewage Treatment Plant was completed and accepted, marking the official completion of Henan's first million-ton sewage treatment plant.

It handles 40% of Zhengzhou's sewage treatment volume. In the future, the treatment plant will also build the country's first "zero-carbon" concept sewage treatment plant.


Undertaking 40% of Zhengzhou's sewage treatment volume, the effluent water quality visibility is more than 5 meters

On the morning of December 28, 2023, at the completion acceptance site of the second phase of the Zhengzhou New District Sewage Treatment Plant in Zhongmou County, Zhengzhou City, the top news reporter of Henan Business Daily saw water treatment structures standing side by side and process pipes crisscrossing. Under the supervision of experts from the Zhengzhou Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Technical Supervision Center, the last four sections of the second phase of the Zhengzhou New District Sewage Treatment Plant passed the completion acceptance. A relevant person in charge of Henan Jinggong Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd. said that this means that the sewage treatment capacity of the Zhengzhou New District Sewage Treatment Plant has officially reached the million-ton level, and it bears 40% of Zhengzhou's sewage treatment volume.

According to the order of acceptance, the first acceptance is the second section of the second phase of the deep treatment area of ​​the sewage treatment plant. The project leader of Shanghai Erjian Construction Group introduced that the project mainly includes facilities such as activated coke adsorption tank, coke room, and high-efficiency sedimentation tank gate valve well. After the project is put into production, the water environment quality and sensory effects of Zhengzhou will be further improved.

The completion of this project requires that the main water quality indicators of the effluent should be better than the Class A standard and reach the surface water level. In terms of quantity, the original 650,000 cubic meters/day treatment scale will be increased by 350,000 cubic meters/day, and the total volume will reach one million. "Our effluent aims to pursue the standard of 'clear water, green banks, and fish swimming in the shallows'," said the project leader of Zhengzhou Wastewater Purification Company, and the visibility of the effluent water of the plant is more than 5 meters.

Build the country's first "zero-carbon" concept sewage treatment plant

The second acceptance project is a newly built sludge dewatering room. The project leader introduced that the room is responsible for separating the sludge from the passing sewage, with a designed processing capacity of 1,500 tons/day. In addition to the sludge dewatering room, the acceptance content also includes two sections of water area installation.

It is understood that the Zhengzhou New District Sewage Treatment Plant is located in the area north of the planned new city of Yaojia Town, Zhongmu County, with a total area of ​​1,500 acres and a planned total treatment scale of 1.2 million tons/day. The service scope includes the service scope of the original Wangxinzhuang Sewage Treatment Plant system, the eastern area of ​​Zhengzhou Comprehensive Transportation Hub and part of the Economic Development Zone, the area south of Green Expo Avenue of Baisha Group, the logistics park and part of the Economic Development Zone, Liuji Group, Zhongmu New City District and part of the old city area, Automobile Industrial Park, Yaojia Town and other areas, with a total service area of ​​about 328 square kilometers. The second phase of the Zhengzhou New District Sewage Treatment Plant started in December 2020, with a total investment of about 4.11 billion yuan. The construction content includes 350,000 tons/day of sewage treatment, 650,000 tons/day of effluent improvement in the first phase, and 1,000 tons/day of sludge incineration treatment facilities.

"Zhengzhou New District Sewage Treatment Plant has become the first million-ton-level urban sewage treatment facility in Henan Province, and it is also the largest, most functional and highest standard sewage treatment plant in the Huaihe River Basin." The relevant person in charge introduced that in the future, the treatment plant will also lead Henan Province and Zhengzhou urban sewage treatment plants to reduce pollution and carbon emissions, vigorously develop renewable energy, and build the country's first "zero-carbon" concept sewage treatment plant through "increasing revenue" and "saving expenditure" in both directions.